
International Yoga Day In the words of Sathguru! If a certain population in the world experiences this, if a certain percentage of the world truly becomes meditative, definitely the quality of the world will change. Particularly if the leadership in the world experiences the unity or the yoga of life, there will be a dramatic change in the way the world will function. For all the problems of humanity, the solution is in enlarging one’s perception of life, from individuality to universality. The declaration of International Yoga Day is a significant step in this direction, and can have a ripple-effect across the planet.    Acknowledging yoga in this way will be immensely beneficial, particularly for the youth. Nowadays, a lot of young people are taking to yoga because it is usually the youth in the world who have a passion for truth. Youth is humanity in the making. Because they are in the making, they can shape themselves in whichever manner they want. If only yo

The Twisted Yoga: Chakrasana

Chakrasana is a strong back-bending yoga asana. It is so called because the body forms the shape of a wheel when in this posture. Chakrasana is a blend of heart opening postures and is thought to work on the heart chakra. Popular in many forms of yoga, chakrasana is part of the primary series of Ashtanga yoga.    Benefits of chakrasana ·          The wheel pose strengthens and lengthen the vertebra, which increase elasticity and flexibility of the spine ·          It strengthens your arms, wrists, abdomen, legs, shoulder and chest, so expect smooth, and toned muscles ·          Urdhva dhanurasana loosens tight hips hence, increased hip flexibility ·          Chakrasana is a full body pose that can reduce the onset of osteoporosis Precautions and contraindications People who suffer from serious spinal column aliments, such as cervical and lumbar spondylitis should avoid doing the pose. If there is not much spine flexibility of the beginning one should

Virabhadra Or The Warrior Pose III

Today let’s start with the name of a fierce warrior, an incarnation of Lord Shiva. The tiger skin clad Virabhadra is described as having a thousand heads, a thousand eyes and a thousand feel, wielding a thousand clouds. Leave alone having thousand heads, in our busy schedules, most of us will be happy to have a toned abdomen and a wow posture. Right? Here are some benefits of practicing Virabhadra asana: ·          Strengthens ankles and legs ·          Strengthens the shoulder and muscle of the back ·          Tones the abdomen, and yes ·          Improves balance and posture Let’s learn how to do the Warrior Pose III  1. Stand in Tadasana exhale and fold forward to Uttanasana. From Uttanasana, exhale and step your left foot back into a high lunge position. Squeeze the knee with your hands, lift your torso slightly and with an exhalation, turn it slightly to the right. 2. Now from the lunge position, stretch your arms forward, parallel to th

The Warrior Pose (I): Vimanasana

Also known as the warrior pose, the name Vimanasana may seem a strange for a yoga pose, after all, aren't yogis known for their non-violent ways? However, in reality, this yoga asana has the power to strengthen parts of your body and mind, and transform you into a true warrior from inside out. Benefits of Vimansana ·          Stretches the chest and lungs shoulder and neck, belly groins ·          Strengthen the shoulder and arms and the muscle of the back ·          Strength and stretches the thighs calves and ankles. How to do Vimansana? 1. Stand in Tadasana, exhale, step or lightly jump your feet (three and a half to four feet apart. Raise your arms perpendicular to the floor and reach actively through the little ginner sides of the hand towards the ceiling. Firm your scapulas against your back and crow them down towards the coccyx. 2. Turn your left foot in 45 to 60 degrees to the right and your right foot out. 90 degrees to the right. With the lef


Bakasana, also popularly known to many as “ Kakasana ” is a yoga asana. It is an arm balancing asana in which the hands are planted on the floor, shins rest upon upper arms, and feet lifts. Benefits of Bakasana Bakasana is an amazing full body workout. Its works your arm and core muscles, as well as strengthens your wrists, upper back, and legs. The pose stretches the upper back, which help decrease heart burn and acidity, and increase the flexibility and elasticity of the spine. " How to do Bakasana? Put your palm on the floor and straighten your legs. Press your knees against your shoulder bone closer to your armpits. Move your weights forward to your arms and try to lift your feet from the floor. Now maintain the balance on your hands. It is very important to get your yoga poses right to reap maximum benefits. Therefore, it is recommended to practice yoga under the supervision of professional trainers. About the author: Hardik is an advanced fitne

7 Diseases You Can Cure With Yoga

We all know that yoga came into practice way before science discovered chemicals to cure diseases. There is no denying that even today, while living in a world of technological and medical advancement, many of us still practice yoga regularly for health benefits. It is a safe and effective way to increase physical activity and enhance strength, flexibility and balance. Recent studies have proved yoga’s potential benefits as a technique for relieving stress and coping with chronic conditions or disabilities. Let’s look at seven disease which you can cure with regular practice of different yoga poses, or asanas. 1.      Asthma : The only sustainable cure for asthma is yoga. Daily practice of Pranayam and Anulom-vulom to get best results. However, unless you are cured, it is always advisable to keep your inhaler handy, in-case you get a sudden attack. 2.       Hypertension : High blood pressure can be caused due to many reasons and can be cured only by regular practice

How Yoga Helps You Stretch Your Lifespan?

Did you know people who practice yoga regularly gets a boost in their self-esteem and confidence only with the mere thought of attending fruitful yoga sessions?  Yoga makes you stronger from inside-out As we know confidence is trusting in our decisions, believing in our abilities, and being okay with our limitations. Basically, it is all about loving ourselves, and pampering that self-love. Practicing yoga helps us release stress, and nurture positive energies. Yes, you will start feeling stronger on the inside, and stop second-guessing or caring about other people’s opinion. Incredible, isn’t it? How yoga nurtures inner growth? Enhances your willpower:  With regular practice, yoga steadily releases energy blockages, and prepare us to receive positive energies from the universe to increase our willpower. In other words, it enhances our willpower to achieve all our desired goals. That’s exciting! Increases your concentration : Success in anything requires a