
Showing posts from March, 2018

The Twisted Yoga: Chakrasana

Chakrasana is a strong back-bending yoga asana. It is so called because the body forms the shape of a wheel when in this posture. Chakrasana is a blend of heart opening postures and is thought to work on the heart chakra. Popular in many forms of yoga, chakrasana is part of the primary series of Ashtanga yoga.    Benefits of chakrasana ·          The wheel pose strengthens and lengthen the vertebra, which increase elasticity and flexibility of the spine ·          It strengthens your arms, wrists, abdomen, legs, shoulder and chest, so expect smooth, and toned muscles ·          Urdhva dhanurasana loosens tight hips hence, increased hip flexibility ·          Chakrasana is a full body pose that can reduce the onset of osteoporosis Precautions and contraindications People who suffer from serious spinal column aliments, such as cervical and lumbar spondylitis should avoid doing the pose. If there is not much spine flexibility of the beginning one should